Zen Babies final courses of the summer are starting soon! I'm planning lots for September. The favourites as always, Baby Massage, Baby Redlexogy and Baby Yoga but also a very special, never again this price, offer!

🌟 Parent and Baby Wellbeing Course
🌿Join Zen Babies for an exclusive 6week journey to a happy, content baby and parent.
🌱Allowing you space to bond and interact with your baby with no interruptions.
🌱Calm and relaxing environment, nurturing both baby and parent, relax and focus your mind with relaxation techniques and sensory play for babies.
🎉 What’s included in this one time only offer?
🌱Baby Reflexology, teaching you routines to support baby’s digestion, respiratory system, teething, skin, sleep and soothe and full body balance routines.
⭐️Each session also includes sensory play and a relaxation technique.
⭐️Includes all routines emailed
🌱Baby Massage, learn all the strokes to enjoy a full body massage with your baby, increasing your bond, soothing teething pain, helping to clear stuffy noses, alleviating colic and reflux symptoms, aiding digestion helping to push through any blockages and trapped wind, increasing circulation and muscle tone.
⭐️Includes bottle of oil and a booklet of all the massage strokes
⭐️sensory play wind down time
Meditation FREE guided meditation session in the final week, allow your mind to rest, take a mental break and leave feeling focussed and refreshed, ideal for when you are sleep deprived and feeling overwhelmed. Taking care of your self is taking care of your baby.
FREE mini sensory pack to support your baby's development and enjoyment from class.
⭐️Includes: bubbles, sensory scarf, flashy ball, foil sheet, ribbon sensory toy
🌿The full course, free sensory pack and free meditation is only £50 if you book this week by 21 July!
⭐️Limited Time Offer⭐️
This course will never be this price again! Book by 21 July to secure this price and 14 July for free sensory pack.
📅 Monday 9 September, 10am at Total Dance in Morley only 15 spaces available
🧘Not just for mums! Any Zen Babies course is any care giver who cares for baby, daddy, grandma/grandpa, foster mummy or daddy, auntie… baby and their grown up who would enjoy time together, time to focus on themselves and themselves with baby together, meet other parents and care givers and enjoy a calm experience together.
📞 Got a question?
WhatsApp me 07887372284
Email me
🌐 Book here: https://bookthatin.com/link/B59DU2
✨ Only 15 Spaces!
✨One time only price £50!
✨Free extras!
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